Joel & Malachi: God of Grace

Today’s Reading: Joel & Malachi

Surely the Lord has done great things! Don’t be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the Lord has done great things. Don’t be afraid, you animals of the field, for the wilderness pastures will soon be green. The trees will again be filled with fruit; fig trees and grapevines will be loaded down once more. Rejoice, you people of Jerusalem! Rejoice in the Lord your God! For the rain he sends demonstrates his faithfulness. Once more the autumn rains will come, as well as the rains of spring. The threshing floor will again be piled high with grain, and the presses will overflow with new wine and olive oil. – Joel 2:24-26a

At times, everything that has sustained you and all that has given you pleasure will be taken from you. It will dry up and with it your joy. You will begin to wonder, “Is God really a merciful and loving God? Am I being punished for something?” God responds to your need for answers and confirms His identity to you. He instructs you to trust in Him through this difficult time — this time of uncertainty.

God is in the middle of all of this. None of this has caught Him by surprise. Trust that He has great plans for your future; believe that your joy will not be dry forever but that you will rejoice again in how your God has provided during a difficult time. You will have a story of God’s provision and His redemption to tell your children and your children’s children.


That is why the Lord says,
“Turn to me now, while there is time.
Give me your hearts.
Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
Don’t tear your clothing in your grief,
but tear your hearts instead.”
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
He is eager to relent and not punish.
– Joel 2:12-13

We serve a God of grace. When we come to him in sincere repentance, genuinely living for Him and submitting to His lordship, we experience His unmerited favor.

We serve a God of compassion. He not not only forgives us, but He also gives us His Spirit to dwell within us. This presence transforms us into the people He created us to be.

We serve a God of mercy. And where there is mercy, hope can be found. Our God is gracious and compassionate, full of mercy and love.

We serve a holy God. He sees the devastation that sin is wreaking in this world, and He will come one day to bring judgment. He will right all wrongs and renew His covenant with all of creation. Praise God, restoration will come after the judgment. He will reign in this world and in our hearts.

“Now return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
“But you ask, ‘How can we return when we have never gone away?’
Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me!
But you ask, ‘What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?’”

“You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse, for your whole nation has been cheating me. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in!Try it! Put me to the test! Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. “Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. – Malachi 3:7b-12

SINCERITY — Are we going through the motions of our Christian walk or are we sincerely following Him? He wants us to give from our heart, genuinely showing our love and faithfulness. He wants us to give in order to please Him, not to make ourselves feel good or to satisfy the minimum requirement of being a member of a congregation.

QUALITY — Are we giving our best or doing our best with what God has entrusted to us? Are we hanging on tight to this life or do we live as if everything we have comes from Him and belongs to Him?

LOYALTY — Are we committed to God? Are we faithfully following through on all we have promised before God and to God? Do our priorities reflect our loyal commitment to God?

Lord, open our eyes to the areas of our lives where we are cheating you, and therefore cheating ourselves of your blessings. Lord, open the windows of heaven for us. Pour out a blessing so great we will not have enough room to take it in! Lord, bless us with your presence today and reveal where we have lost our spiritual fervor. Place in us the desires of your heart, and cause us to stir at what moves you. We love you, Lord. We want to live sincerely — everyday giving our best to you, and remaining forever committed to who you have called us to be. Everything we do, we long to do for you and not just to please ourselves. Amen.

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