Sweeping Away the Enemy

Today’s Reading: Nahum; Psalm 53

The Lord is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and rage.
He takes revenge on all who oppose him and continues to rage against his enemies!
The Lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished.
– Nahum 1:1-3a

God once again sent a message of judgment through his prophets. This time the judgment was against the city of Nineveh, which was part of the country of Assyria. The empire of Assyria had grown strong and left a path of destruction across the land. Israel was one of the many countries that had been defeated and captured by Assyria and now this victor was pressing in on Judah. Nahum’s prophecy against Judah’s enemy came at a good time — a time when they needed to hear that God is powerful, He is paying attention, and He will punish His enemies.

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. But he will sweep away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He will pursue his foes into the darkness of night. – Nahum 1:7-8

The people of Nineveh had repented of their sins after Jonah came to them, but they turned to wickedness again. The prophet Nahum declared God’s judgment on the city — the city that was rich and appeared to the world as beautiful, but was full of evil. Those who were oblivious to its wickedness were also naive to what God was capable of doing.

What sorrow awaits Nineveh, the city of murder and lies!
She is crammed with wealth and is never without victims.
Hear the crack of whips, the rumble of wheels!
Horses’ hooves pound, and charioteers charge past!
There are countless casualties, heaps of bodies – so many bodies that people stumble over them.
All this because Nineveh, the beautiful and faithless city, mistress of deadly charms, enticed the nations with her beauty.
She taught them all her magic, enchanting people everywhere.
“I am your enemy!” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
“And now I will lift your skirts and show all the earth your nakedness and shame.
I will cover you with filth and show the world how vile you really are.
All who see you will shrink back and say, ‘Nineveh lies in ruins. Where are the mourners?’
Does anyone regret your destruction?”
– Nahum 3:1-7

Scriptures like this convince me that God will someday put an end to the many industries leaving a path of destruction behind them, industries like pornography, sex-trafficking and abortion. They glamourize themselves and collect their riches, but God sees that they are surrounded by those they have destroyed. He hears the cries of the men and women who have been deceived and lied to. He sees the wounds of those who have been abused and mistreated.

The abortion industry has convinced society to consider abortion as socially acceptable, a good option for women. The government pours money into their pockets. The stench of death surrounds us and the world continues to shout their praises. Pornography no longer lurks in the back room nor is it hidden in the closet. No, it is considered the norm and excuses are made for why it should be ignored. BUT God… God will sweep over his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He will pursue his foes into the darkness of night (1:8).

Will those who do evil never learn?
They eat up my people like bread
and wouldn’t think of praying to God.
Terror will grip them,
terror like they have never known before.
God will scatter the bones of your enemies.
You will put them to shame, for God has rejected them.
– Psalm 53:4-5

Lord, we thank you for being a God of power — a God aware of the hurts, pains and injustices of this world. Lord, forgive our nation for allowing and promoting the death of those who cannot defend themselves. Strengthen us to protect those who are mistreated, and equip us to speak your truth to this lost and dying world. Expose evil empires that veil themselves as if to appear beautiful. May those who work in these industries see that you are the only true God and sincerely repent, finding forgiveness in our merciful God. Lord, break our hearts over what breaks yours and calm our troubled souls. Oh God, we trust in you for you are the God of love and the God of justice. Amen.