One Line at a Time

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 23-28; Psalm 87

Yes, after seventy years the Lord will revive Tyre. But she will be no different than she was before. She will again be a prostitute to all kingdoms around the world. – Isaiah 23:17

But my heart is heavy with grief.
Weep for me, for I wither away.
Deceit still prevails,
and treachery is everywhere.
Terror and traps and snares will be your lot,
you people of the earth.
Those who flee in terror will fall into a trap,
and those who escape the trap will be caught in a snare.
– Isaiah 24:16b-18

God was punishing His people in a way that was much different than He had in the generations before them. In the past, he had allowed them to lose a battle or lose territory or lose lives, but this was different. God was allowing several nations to win victories over the people of Judah and they were being carried away to distant lands. The freedom He had blessed them with was gone, and they were now living in exile in foreign nations.

On the holy mountain stands the city founded by the Lord.
He loves the city of Jerusalem more than any other city in Israel.
O city of God, what glorious things are said of you!
– Psalm 87:1-3

The city of Jerusalem that had once been Israel’s crowning glory was being destroyed, and what had once been a beautiful home for God’s people was now a quiet reminder of all that had been lost. This time of exile would last for seventy years, but God knew that those He allowed to come back would once again fall into sin. They would boast about their survival rather than be thankful for God’s rescue. He knew they needed more than just punishment; they needed a Savior.

God has told his people,
“Here is a place of rest;
let the weary rest here.
This is a place of quiet rest.”
But they would not listen.
So the Lord will spell out his message for them again,
one line at a time,
one line at a time,
a little here,
and a little there,
so that they will stumble and fall.
They will be injured, trapped, and captured.

Therefore, listen to this message from the Lord,
you scoffing rulers in Jerusalem.
You boast, “We have struck a bargain to cheat death
and have made a deal to dodge the grave.
The coming destruction can never touch us,
for we have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception.”

Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem,
a firm and tested stone.
It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on.
Whoever believes need never be shaken.”
– Isaiah 28:12a-16

The heart of God can be found in these verses — the heart of a God who loves us and desires for us to live in relationship with Him. He has provided this place of rest for us, where we can spend time in His presence and allow Him to lead us. He is in pursuit of our devotion. We can see evidence of His attempts to draw us to Himself — a little here and a little there, one line at a time.

Father God, we look back and see your hand at work in our lives. We see the people you have placed in our path to speak truth into our lives and to teach us the right way to live. We have been blessed to have had opportunities to get to know who you are; we have experienced your great love for us.

Lord, thank you for this Cornerstone. Thank you for providing salvation for us through the death and resurrection of your Son. We choose again today to believe in Jesus so that we will not be shaken by all the lies and deception of this world. We fall on our knees for the sins of our own nation, and we pray for revival to break out across our land. Amen.

In that day the people will proclaim,
“This is our God!
We trusted in him, and he saved us!
This is the Lord, in whom we trusted.
Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!”
– Isaiah 25:9