You Don’t Get to Claim Privilege

Today’s Reading: Amos 4-7

The behavior of God’s people could be narrowed down to three words – arrogance, selfishness, and pretense. They put their own selfish desires for luxury before the needs of others around them. They were abusive and oppressive to those who had less than they did – the weak, the needy, and the poor. They ignored the needs of others and filled their hunger for earthly possessions. Because of this, God’s judgment was going to fall HARD on these people.


This should be of significance for those of us who have been blessed with so much. God was clear in Amos’ prophecies that He was done with the arrogance of a nation who felt they were better than others. He was going to punish this selfish generation who put their own needs ahead of the needs of others. He was bringing judgment on those who continued to go through the motions of worship and the rituals of sacrifice but who were not living a lifestyle of sacrifice and worship.

God did not choose judgment before first drawing His people to Himself, but they would not listen.

“I brought hunger…but still you would not return to me…
I kept rain from falling when your crops needed it the most…but still you would not return to me…
I struck your farms and vineyards…but still you would not return to me…
I sent plagues…but still you would not return to me…
I destroyed some of your cities…but still you would not return to me…
THEREFORE I will bring upon you all the disasters I have announced.
Prepare to meet your God in judgment, you people of Israel!”
– Amos 4:6-12


God cannot be manipulated; the Lord determines how people can come to him. Attending church regularly, paying tithe, and going through the rituals of being a believer are not substitutes for a genuine heart.

“I hate all of your show and pretense – the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies. I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings. I won’t even notice all your choice peace offerings. Away with your noisy hymns of praise! I will not listen to the music of your harps. Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living.” – Amos 5:21-24

“You sing trivial songs to the sound of a harp and fancy yourselves to be great musicians like David. You drink wine by the bowlful and perfume yourselves with fragrant lotions. You care nothing about the ruin of your nation. Therefore, you will be the first to be led away as captives. Suddenly, all your parties will end.” – Amos 6:5-7


God’s people had a false notion of privilege. They continued to live a life of self-indulgence and spoke of how they were looking forward to the day of the Lord but they did not realize the Lord was coming not to absolve their sinfulness but to punish them. They believed the covenant God had made with His people allowed them to live as they pleased, even if that looked like arrogance, selfishness and pretense. But God required righteous living. They lived as if God owed them salvation and eternal life because of a decision made a long time ago. But God does not ignore sin (7:8).

Lord, forgive us for our moments of arrogance when we think too much of ourselves and too little of others. Forgive us for living comfortably with all you have blessed us with while others around us are in need. Forgive us for our attitudes of privilege and expectations of rewards because of a decision we made a long time ago. Open our eyes and call us out of our own agendas for today. We desire to respond to your call on our lives and do whatever you are asking us to do. Thank you for being a God who loves us enough to draw us to yourself. Thank you for both your love and your justice. Amen.