A Double Portion

Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 1-4; Psalm 86

Elijah knew God was about to take him to heaven and so he said to his assistant Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.” Without hesitation, Elisha replied, “Please let me inherit a double portion of your spirit and become your successor” (2 Kings 2:9). In other words, I WANT WHAT YOU HAVE!

God saw the desire of Elisha’s heart. He saw that this request was not for his own glory or to boost his own pride, but that he wanted to live the kind of life that would make an impact on those around him. He felt God calling him and was praying for God to richly equip him for his calling. His prayer was very similar to the prayer of King Solomon, asking God to give him wisdom to fulfill God’s purpose in his life. Elisha had been watching God work in a mighty way through Elijah and he desired for God to use him in the same way. And that is exactly what God did.


Just as Elijah had done, Elisha was able to part the waters of the Jordan River by striking it and to walk across on dry land (2 Kings 2:14).

Elisha came to the city of Jericho, whose unclean water source was causing death and infertility. The impact on the soil was causing the land to be unproductive, which was affecting their food supply. Elisha placed salt in the water supply and healed the water, breathing new life into the town (2 Kings 2:19-21).

By having a double portion of the Spirit, Elisha was able to enter God’s presence and hear from God. God spoke through Elisha telling the kings that He would provide water for their men and animals, as well as victory over their enemy (2 Kings 3:15-18).

There was a widow of one of the prophets whose sons were about to be sold as slaves in order to repay her debt. Elisha was able to take the only thing she had left, a flask of olive oil, and make it a source of income for her. Using the small flask, they were able to fill every available jar in the village with olive oil. By doing this, God provided for the widow and her two sons (2 Kings 4:1-7).

Elisha wanted to thank a woman who had been kind to him by providing him with a place to stay. He inquired as to what she needed and found out that she did not have a son. Elisha prophesied, “Next year at this time you will be holding a son in your arms,” and that is exactly what happened (2 Kings 4:8-17). When that same boy died and his mother grieved heavily, Elisha was able to stretch himself out across the child and bring him back to life (2 Kings 4:18-35).

When poisonous fruit was mistakenly added to a stew being prepared for the prophets during a time of famine, Elisha was able to add flour to the stew and heal it so that the group would have something to eat (2 Kings 4:38-41).

During this same time of famine, Elisha was able to bless a sack of bread and have it feed a large group of people with food leftover. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? (2 Kings 4:42-44)


What stops us from asking God for a double portion of His Spirit so that God can use us in a mighty way in the lives of those around us? With the Spirit in our lives, dry ground can be walked upon, water can be healed, God can be heard, needs can be provided, wombs can be filled, the dead can be raised, the hungry can be fed, the sick can be healed, the lost can be found, and enemies can be defeated.

If we are not living that kind of life, perhaps it is because we have not asked God to do those kinds of miracles around us. Perhaps we are not living the kind of faith that expects God to move mightily ahead of us. Or perhaps our prayer needs to start by asking God to change the desires of our heart — to send His Spirit to create in us a desire to do what God desires to do today.


Heavenly Father, may I have a double portion please? May I have more of your Spirit than I have ever had before. I want to do more than just survive my week; I want to be used by God in a powerful way through the infilling of His Spirit. Dear God, I WANT ALL YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME! Lord, I give you my heart and ask for you to make it beat in unison with yours.

You are my God…
I give myself to you…
You are great and perform wonderful deeds.
You alone are God.
Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.
With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to your name forever,
for your love for me is great.
– Psalm 86:2,4,10-13a

Speak Truth

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18, Psalm 133

How wonderful and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in harmony!
– Psalm 133:1

There was peace between Aram and Israel for the next three years. During a friendly visit of the two leaders, King Ahab of Israel pointed out to King Jehosophat of Judah that the town of Ramoth-gilead belonged to the Jews.

Then he turned to Jehoshaphat and asked, “Will you join me in battle to recover Ramoth-gilead?”
Jehoshaphat replied to the king of Israel, “Why, of course! You and I are as one. My troops are your troops, and my horses are your horses.” Then Jehoshaphat added, “But first let’s find out what the Lord says.”
– 1 Kings 22:1-5


What a great idea! Checking to see what God wants us to do is always a good place to start. King Ahab went to 400 of his prophets and asked them to tell him if he should start a war against Ramoth-gilead or not. They assured him that the Lord would give him victory. But King Jehoshaphat recognized that these prophets were speaking independently of God, so he asked if there was a prophet of the Lord that they could seek advice from.

King Ahab hated Micaiah son of Imlah, but he called for him to appear before him, just as Jehoshaphat had requested. All of Ahab’s prophets were promising the kings that they would be victorious, because that is what Ahab wanted to hear. But Micaiah was a man of God, and he refused to listen to anyone but the Lord.

Meanwhile, the messenger who went to get Micaiah said to him, “Look, all the prophets are promising victory for the king. Be sure that you agree with them and promise success.”
But Micaiah replied, “As surely as the Lord lives, I will say only what the Lord tells me to say.”
– 1 Kings 22:13-14


Micaiah went on to explain that God had caused a lying spirit to deceive the prophets of Ahab — to tell Ahab to go into battle so that he would be killed. Ahab was angry and threw Micaiah into prison for not telling him what he wanted to hear. He put on a disguise so that he would not be recognized in battle, for the king of Aram had commanded his army not to kill anyone but the king of Israel.

An Aramean soldier, however, randomly shot an arrow at the Israelite troops and hit the king of Israel between the joints of his armor. “Turn the horses and get me out of here!” Ahab groaned to the driver of his chariot. “I’m badly wounded!” – 1 Kings 22:34

How often do we succumb to the pressure to say what someone else wants to hear? We take the easy way out instead of speaking the truth that the Lord has made clear in scripture. It is not always popular to stand strong for what God has declared as truth, but there is death ahead for those who reject God’s ways. Speaking anything less than God’s truth may seem like the compassionate thing to do, but it does not change what God has commanded.


“Those who speak for themselves want glory only for themselves, but a person who seeks to honor the one who sent him speaks truth, not lies.” – John 7:18

Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. – Ephesians 4:14-16


Father God, may we stand firm in what you have taught us. May we speak the truth of God in love, even when it is less than popular with those around us. Fill us with your Spirit and guide us as we respond to the chaos of the world we live in. Help us distinguish between the lies that cause fear and the truth that brings peace. May we courageously be the voice of truth that the world so desperately needs to hear. Amen.

Dressed in Burlap

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 21, Psalm 138

King Ben-hadad of Aram had challenged the Israelites to a battle, but they were losing. 100,000 Aramean soldiers had died in battle, and another 27,000 had died when a wall randomly fell on them. Ben-hadad ran from the Israelites and hid in a secret room.

Ben-hadad’s officers said to him, “Sir, we have heard that the kings of Israel are merciful. So let’s humble ourselves by wearing burlap around our waists and putting ropes on our heads, and surrender to the king of Israel. Then perhaps he will let you live.” – 1 Kings 20:31


And that is exactly what happened. Ben-hadad put on burlap and ropes to show that he was grieving. He apologized for his aggressive behavior against the Israelites, and promised to make restitution. King Ahab had mercy on Ben-hadad, forgiving him for his many indiscretions.

In the Bible, to wear a sackcloth or burlap garment was a sign of grieving. In self-humiliation, the individual would put on sackcloth to show that they were submitting to another person or to God. Ben-hadad draped himself in sackcloth, and King Ahab forgave him. A new treaty was made between the two kings, and Ahab gave the King of Aram his freedom, even though God had instructed otherwise. For his disobedience, God let Ahab know he would soon die, and Ahab returned home angry and sullen.


Now there was a man named Naboth, from Jezreel, who owned a vineyard in Jezreel beside the palace of King Ahab of Samaria. One day Ahab said to Naboth, “Since your vineyard is so convenient to my palace, I would like to buy it to use as a vegetable garden. I will give you a better vineyard in exchange, or if you prefer, I will pay you for it.” – 1 Kings 21:1-2

But the vineyard was Naboth’s inheritance, and it represented the hard work of those who had gone before him, so he declined the king’s offer. And once more the king returned home angry and sullen. He laid in bed with his face to the wall, refusing to eat. His wife, Jezebel, created a scheme to have Naboth killed so that Ahab could get what he wanted — the vineyard that did not belong to him.

The prophet Elijah was sent by God to let Ahab know how angry He was: “I have come because you have sold yourself to what is evil in the Lord’s sight. So now the Lord says, ‘I will bring disaster on you and consume you. I will destroy every one of your male descendants, slave and free alike, anywhere in Israel! I am going to destroy your family as I did the family of Jeroboam son of Nebat and the family of Baasha son of Ahijah, for you have made me very angry and have led Israel into sin’” (1 Kings 21: 20b-22).

Ahab had sold himself to evil more than anyone else had, and there would be a price to pay for his idolatry and disobedience. Instead of becoming angry and sullen, this time Ahab dressed in burlap and mourned the life he had lived and the death that was imminent. And God was pleased with Ahab’s genuine show of regret and humility.


If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. – James 3:13-16

It is our heart to please you today, Lord. Thank you for the reminder that you are calling us to live an honorable life, bearing fruit with a heart of humility. Reveal in us any seeds of jealousy and self-ambition. When what we want means someone else cannot have what is rightfully theirs, may we submit to your authority and be grateful for what you have given us. May we be less worried about our own rights and the rights of our children than we are concerned about the needs of others. Show us what we have made an idol in our lives, and give us a heart that mirrors the desires of your heart. Amen.

Though the Lord is great, he cares for the humble,
but he keeps his distance from the proud.
– Psalm 138:6

God Provided the Victory

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 20, Psalm 21

The story of Elijah reminds us that our God is the God who provides. When Elijah needed a place to hide, God provided safety by Kerith Brook. He sent ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat every morning and every evening. Then God allowed the brook to dry up because He needed to use Elijah in the life of a widow who was running out of food. God showed up and provided more than enough. Then the widow’s son died and God heard Elijah’s prayer, raising her son from the dead.

When Elijah needed to prove to the nation that there is only one true god, God provided evidence of His existence and His power. He provided fire for Elijah’s sacrifice and He provided the much needed rain for His people. When things got rough for Elijah, God came through again, providing His presence to remind Elijah that He is always with us and that we can always trust Him. In today’s scripture, we find the faithfulness of God providing victory for His people over and over again.


As I read through the accounts of the Kings of Judah and Israel, it is encouraging to me how often God fought the battle for His people. All they had to do was position themselves, commit fully to Him, sit back, and watch the victory.

When Judah realized that they were being attacked from the front and the rear, they cried out to the Lord for help. Then the priests blew the trumpets, and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of their battle cry, GOD DEFEATED Jeroboam and all Israel and routed them before Abijah and the army of Judah. – 2 Chronicles 13:14-15

This is what the Lord says, “Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow, march out against them…But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and WATCH THE LORD’S VICTORY. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” – 2 Chron. 20:15b-17

But the Israelite army looked like two little flocks of goats in comparison to the vast Aramean forces that filled the countryside! Then the man of God went to the king of Israel and said, “This is what the Lord says: The Arameans have said, ‘The Lord is a god of the hills and not of the plains.’ SO I WILL DEFEAT THIS ARMY FOR YOU. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”

The two armies camped opposite each other for seven days, and on the seventh day the battle began. The Israelites killed 100,000 Aramean foot soldiers in one day. The rest fled into the town of Aphek, but the wall fell on them and killed another 27,000. – 1 Kings 20:27b-30a


King Ben-hadad of Aram surrounded Samaria with his army. There was a great famine in the city. Four men with leprosy decided they were going to die if they stayed in the city, so they decided to surrender to the Aramean army. At twilight they set out for the army’s camp, but when they arrived they found the camp was empty. The Lord had caused the four men to sound like a great army headed towards the camp, striking fear in the hearts of the Arameans. They fled for their lives, leaving behind their tents, horses, donkeys and everything else. Just imagine the sight of these four lepers walking back to Samaria with the good news! (2 Kings 6:24-25a; 7:3-7)

In the 39th year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease. Yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord’s help but turned only to his physicians. So he died in the 41st year of his reign. – 2 Chronicles 16:12-13


You may face a giant battle ahead of you, but the Lord says, “Do not be afraid! Stand still and watch the Lord’s victory.

You may feel outnumbered, but the Lord says, “I will defeat this army for you. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”

You may have lost all hope but the Lord can cause the enemy to panic and run. The Lord can provide for your needs.

You may be fighting a battle against disease or sickness. Do not rely ONLY on physicians but seek the Lord’s help as well.

And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us! – 1 Samuel 17:47

The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord. – Proverbs 21:31


How the king rejoices in your strength, O Lord!
He shouts with joy because you give him victory.
For you have given him his heart’s desire; you have withheld nothing he requested.
You welcomed him back with success and prosperity.
You placed a crown of finest gold on his head.
He asked you to preserve his life, and you granted his request.
The days of his life stretch on forever.
Your victory brings him great honor, and you have clothed him with splendor and majesty.
You have endowed him with eternal blessings and given him the joy of your presence.
For the king trusts in the Lord.
The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.
– Psalm 21:1-7

God Provided the Call

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 19:19-21; Luke 9:57-62; Psalm 22

And a voice said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

He replied again, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”

Then the Lord told him, “Go back the same way you came, and travel to the wilderness of Damascus. When you arrive there, anoint Hazael to be king of Aram. Then anoint Jehu grandson of Nimshi to be king of Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from the town of Abel-meholah to replace you as my prophet. – 1 Kings 19:13b-16


It is a privilege to live out the call that God has placed on your life, but ministry can be difficult. The mountain top experiences are absolutely wonderful. When the hearts of God’s people are worshiping in full surrender, lost souls are finding new life in Christ, and everyone is singing the praises of the leadership, ministry is life-giving. But with these great moments of affirmation also come the times of questioning and resisting, quarreling and complaining.

But I am a worm and not a man.
I am scorned and despised by all!
Everyone who sees me mocks me.
They sneer and shake their heads, saying,
“Is this the one who relies on the Lord?
Then let the Lord save him!
If the Lord loves him so much,
let the Lord rescue him!”
– Psalm 22:6-8

Leadership can be lonely, and there are times when we wonder if it is worth it. There is an overwhelming feeling that we are alone in our efforts — that no one appreciates our hard work and long hours. It is in these moments when we can begin to feel sorry for ourselves. We consider quitting, or we begin longing for the day when we can retire. We even consider telling God to find someone else to complete the assignment; we find ourselves tired and ready to quit.


Elijah had obediently done everything God had asked him to, and the threats against his life were taking their toll on his emotions. He still trusted God to provide, but he was weary from the battle. So once again God provided for Elijah by giving him an assistant to help him finish out his call. It was time to start training his successor.

So Elijah went and found Elisha son of Shaphat plowing a field. There were twelve teams of oxen in the field, and Elisha was plowing with the twelfth team. Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak across his shoulders and then walked away. Elisha left the oxen standing there, ran after Elijah, and said to him, “First let me go and kiss my father and mother good-bye, and then I will go with you!”

Elijah replied, “Go on back, but think about what I have done to you.” – 1 Kings 19:19-20

This passage reminds me of the words of Jesus when he called a man to follow him, and the man’s response was to ask if he could first go home and bury his father. The man was willing to follow God but wanted his obedience to be in the timing that was most convenient for him. Once his father had passed away and his duties were completed, then he would be available to give Jesus as much time as he wanted. Not now; maybe later.

But Jesus told him, “Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God.”
Another said, “Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family.”
But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”
– Luke 9:60-62


But Elisha’s response was different from this New Testament man. Elisha’s pause was not resisting God’s plan; it was taking the time to dedicate himself fully to the Lord. He was preparing for ministry — putting to death his old life in order to fully embrace the life God was calling him to. Elisha was letting go of what he had been holding onto in order to come to God with empty hands.

So Elisha returned to his oxen and slaughtered them. He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh. He passed around the meat to the townspeople, and they all ate. Then he went with Elijah as his assistant. – 1 Kings 19:21

Lord, we come to you this morning with the willingness to fully submit to your call on our life. Give us the strength to let go of anything that is holding us back from living fully focused on you. May we trust you for what the next chapter looks like — whether it’s a necessary ending or a new beginning.

I will praise you in the great assembly.
I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who worship you.
The poor will eat and be satisfied.
All who seek the Lord will praise him.
Their hearts will rejoice with everlasting joy.
The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him.
All the families of the nations will bow down before him.
For royal power belongs to the Lord.
He rules all the nations.
– Psalm 22:25-28

God Provided the Presence

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 19:1-18; Psalm 6, 11, 20

Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. – Psalm 16:1


As we look at what happened after Elijah faced off with the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel — when God provided the fire and when God provided the rain — we see that Elijah is once again in need of God’s providence and strength.

Ahab’s wife Jezebel was very unhappy when she heard the prophets of Baal were dead and she vowed to kill Elijah. Elijah ran in fear from his enemy, becoming so discouraged he prayed that he might die. But God provided once more for Elijah – the Lord provided sleep, food and water. Then He provided strength saying, “Get up and eat some more, for the journey ahead of you will be too much for you” (1 Kings 19:7b).


“The journey ahead will be too much for you.” This journey would take 40 days and 40 nights. His destination: the mountain of God. God was about to provide one more thing for Elijah – His presence.

When Elijah arrived, God asked him a very important question: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” Elijah was seeking God and God gave Elijah the opportunity to say exactly what he wanted God to do for him. Then God gave Elijah the most precious of gifts — time in His presence.

“Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. – 1 Kings 19:11-13

And now, as Elijah stood in His presence, God asked once more, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” And for the second time, Elijah answered, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty…and now they are trying to kill me, too.” (1 Kings 19:14)

This reminds me of the many times I have complained to God that I am going through a difficult time in spite of the fact that I have consistently served Him. I have in essence whined to God unnecessarily. God knows our heart and He knows when we have been faithful and when we have not.


The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. – 2 Chronicles 16:9

I encourage you to find time to enter into His presence today. Imagine God asking you, “What are you doing here?” What will you say? What do you want the God Who Provides and the God Who Strengthens to do for you today? It’s time for me to finish my morning coffee and do the same.

“O Lord, no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in you alone.” – 2 Chronicles 14:11a

The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you seek him, you will find him…whenever they were in trouble and turned to the Lord, the God of Israel, and sought him out, they found him…Then they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, with all their heart and soul…They earnestly sought after God, and they found him. – 2 Chronicles 15:2,4,12,15

In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry.
May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from harm…
May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed…
May the Lord answer your prayers.
Now I know that the Lord rescues his anointed king.
He will answer him from his holy heaven and rescue him by his great power.
Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God.
Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm.
– Psalm 20:1,4,5b-8

God Provided the Rain

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 18; Psalm 4, 65, 68

By the time we get to 1 Kings 18, Israel has experienced three years of drought. The drought has now caused famine, as was the situation with the widow we read about yesterday. The people of Israel were running out of food and at a point where they were ready for some relief from someone. This was part of their problem. They were not just looking for relief from God; they were looking to other sources than the God who provides, something we are guilty of at times.


So Ahab summoned all the people of Israel and the prophets to Mount Carmel. Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” But the people were completely silent. – 1 Kings 18:20-21

The people of Israel were pulled between the things of this world and the One True God, just as we are. Right before their eyes, a battle ensued between the false prophets of Baal and the prophet Elijah. Each side had everything they needed to prepare a sacrifice — everything but the fire, which they were supposed to ask their god to provide. As the prophets of Baal tried hard to produce something from a false god unable to give them what they needed, Elijah mocked them with humor:

“You’ll have to shout louder for surely he is a god! Perhaps he is daydreaming, or is relieving himself. Or maybe he is away on a trip, or is asleep and needs to be awakened!” – 1 Kings 18:27


There is a battle ensuing before our eyes — a battle between serving a world that daily lies to us saying it has everything we need to find true happiness vs. serving the God who is able to provide all we need. We need to see the ridiculous humor of trusting in the world for what we need. We need to see God respond in a powerful way as the people of Israel did and then respond as they did.

Now remember they were at the end of 3 years of drought. Water was in short supply and used sparingly, yet Elijah asked for water to be poured over his offering and the wood. They used so much water that it ran around the altar and filled the trench. Elijah called upon the God who had provided for him over and over again, praying with confidence that God would once again provide (18:30-37).

Immediately the fire of the Lord flashed down from heaven and burned up the young bull, the wood, the stones, and the dust. It even licked up all the water in the trench! And when all the people saw it, they fell face down on the ground and cried out, “The Lord – he is God! Yes, the Lord is God!” – 1 Kings 18:38-39

Answer me when I call to you, O God who declares me innocent.
Free me from my troubles. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer…
You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for himself.
The Lord will answer when I call to him…
Offer sacrifices in the right spirit, and trust the Lord.
– Psalm 4:1,3,5


God, I lay my life before you as a sacrifice. God who provides, please send fire down from heaven to burn up my sacrifice along with the wood (the things of this world I use to try and start my own fire), the stones (the heavy burdens), and the dust in my life (the corners of my life that need to be cleansed). Lick up all of the water, or things of this world that I have depended on for sustenance; leave me with only the living water that comes from you. Rain down on me. Show me even a small cloud in my life today as evidence that you are about to end the drought. Amen.

Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go get something to eat and drink, for I hear a mighty rainstorm coming!”
So Ahab went to eat and drink. But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed with his face between his knees.
Then he said to his servant, “Go and look out toward the sea.”
The servant went and looked, then returned to Elijah and said, “I didn’t see anything.”
Seven times Elijah told him to go and look. Finally the seventh time his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.”
Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!”
And soon the sky was black with clouds. A heavy wind brought a terrific rainstorm, and Ahab left quickly for Jezreel. Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.
– 1 Kings 18:41-46


…When you marched through the dry wasteland, the earth trembled, and the heavens poured down rain before you, the God of Sinai, before God, the God of Israel.
You sent abundant rain, O God, to refresh the weary land.
There your people finally settled, and with a bountiful harvest, O God, you provided for your needy people.
– Psalm 68:7b-10

I pray you see the small cloud today — the evidence that the drought is over and God is pleased with your sacrifice. May you know God to be the God who provides generously and may that knowledge cause you to shout and sing for joy!

You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our Savior.
You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.
– Psalm 65:5

Now I Know for Sure

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 17; Ps 91

“At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you.” These are the words of the Lord to Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:13. God showed His strength in this way to King Ahab generations later as He took away all dew and rain for several years. But for Elijah, who was faithful, God provided.

Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.” So Elijah did as the Lord told him and camped beside Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land. – 1 Kings 17:4-7


Have you ever asked yourself that question? Have you ever wondered when God’s overflowing provision in your life will end? Perhaps you question what is ahead or whether or not God will provide for you in the future, despite the fact that He is providing for you right now. When the brook God provided Elijah dried up, He faithfully provided another source.

Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. I have instructed a widow there to feed you.”

So he went to Zarephath. As he arrived at the gates of the village, he saw a widow gathering sticks, and he asked her, “Would you please bring a little water in a cup?” As she was going to get it, he called to her, “Bring me a bite of bread, too.”

But she said, “I swear by the Lord your God that I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I was gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I will die.” – 1 Kings 17:8-12

But Elijah knew he served the God who provides — again and again! God had already told Elijah that He would provide for the widow — that there would ALWAYS be enough! She trusted in Elijah’s words and made bread for him first, and what God promised came true — there was ALWAYS enough!


The widow’s son became sick; the son whom she was raising so that he could one day provide for her in her husband’s absence died in her arms. Can you imagine her grief and worry? Elijah took the child and did what most of us would do in this same situation — He asked God, “Why?”

Elijah begged God, “O Lord my God, please let this child’s life return to him.” God heard Elijah’s prayer and the life of the boy returned and he was revived! The child was placed back in the arms of his mother, who responded, “Now I know for sure…” (1 Kings 17:21-24).


Maybe that is why God allows events in our life that cause us to ask, “Why?” Like the widow, we need to know for sure that we serve the God who provides; we need to know we can trust God for all of our tomorrows.

Think of all the times when God has provided generously for you. Stop and speak it out loud. Now think of the ways in which you need God to provide for you again. Are you in a situation where you find yourself asking God why He is allowing something in your life? The answer may be floating in your morning coffee — so that you can KNOW FOR SURE and so others around you can KNOW FOR SURE that you serve a God who provides!

So, next time God provides and then what God provided is taken away from you, what will be your response? Are you willing to let God take you on a journey that leads to the land of KNOWING FOR SURE? Can you trust God that there will always be enough?

I look up to the mountains – does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.
– Psalm 121

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him…
The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me, I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”
– Psalm 91:1-2, 14-16

Leadership Without Pretense

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 14; 2 Chronicles 11:18 – 12:16

It is better to be a poor but wise youth than an old and foolish king who refuses all advice. Such a youth could rise from poverty and succeed. He might even become king, though he has been in prison. But then everyone rushes to the side of yet another youth who replaces him. Endless crowds stand around him, but then another generation grows up and rejects him, too. So it is all meaningless—like chasing the wind. – Ecclesiastes 4:13-16

The feud between Jeroboam and Rehoboam continued. There was constant war between Judah and Israel (14:30). They both led God’s people in the worship of false gods, they both died, and they were both succeeded by their sons. Their reigns were marked by complete disregard of God and all He had commanded of His people. They were given the privilege of sitting in the top position of leadership, an opportunity to lead the people in a season of blessings from God, but they were too focused on the temporary pleasures of this world to invest in the things that are eternal.

Jeroboam’s son, Abijah, became very sick, so he sent his wife in disguise to ask the prophet Ahijah what would become of the boy. Even though Ahijah could no longer see clearly, he knew it was Jeroboam’s wife, for the Lord had already told him what to say to her.


“Give your husband, Jeroboam, this message from the Lord, the God of Israel: ‘I promoted you from the ranks of the common people and made you ruler over my people Israel. I ripped the kingdom away from the family of David and gave it to you. But you have not been like my servant David, who obeyed my commands and followed me with all his heart and always did whatever I wanted. You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made other gods for yourself and have made me furious with your gold calves. And since you have turned your back on me, I will bring disaster on your dynasty and will destroy every one of your male descendants, slave and free alike, anywhere in Israel. I will burn up your royal dynasty as one burns up trash until it is all gone. The members of Jeroboam’s family who die in the city will be eaten by dogs, and those who die in the field will be eaten by vultures. I, the Lord, have spoken.’” – 1 Kings 14:7-11

When God allows someone to sit in a place of influence, it is for His purposes and to advance His Kingdom. But the temptation of leadership is to make it about us — to become addicted to authority and to start advancing our own agendas. Arrogance sets in and we lose track of why God placed us in the leadership seat in the first place.

If God created you to do something and He has in mind for you to be something, then why are you doing your own thing and why are you pretending to be someone else? Why are you living in your own confidence when God has strategically positioned you to do amazing things by His power and with His favor? You have been given an opportunity and you are wasting it.

During Rehoboam’s reign, the people of Judah did what was evil in the Lord’s sight, provoking his anger with their sin, for it was even worse than that of their ancestors. For they also built for themselves pagan shrines and set up sacred pillars and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every green tree. There were even male and female shrine prostitutes throughout the land. The people imitated the detestable practices of the pagan nations the Lord had driven from the land ahead of the Israelites. – 1 Kings 14:22-24

In the fifth year of his reign, King Shishak of Egypt attacked Jerusalem and carried away the treasuries of the Lord’s Temple, including all of the gold shields King Solomon had made. Rehoboam replaced them with bronze shields, but they were a cheap imitation of what God had once blessed His people with.


When we choose to live our lives our own way, seeking our own happiness rather than bringing glory to God, we miss out on God’s best. We become a cheap imitation of what life could have been. Eventually we will die and life will go on without us, and we will have missed our opportunity to write an amazing chapter in God’s story.

Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord’s anger was turned away, and he did not destroy him completely. There were still some good things in the land of Judah. – 2 Chronicles 12:12

It is not too late. We serve a God of grace and mercy. He has given us the Spirit to guide us back onto the path He planned for us. God loves a repentant heart who is willing to humble themselves and make retribution for the actions of the past. Consider how God used Samson on the last day of his life.

Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time. With one blow let me pay back the Philistines for the loss of my two eyes.” Then Samson put his hands on the two center pillars that held up the temple. Pushing against them with both hands, he prayed, “Let me die with the Philistines.” And the temple crashed down on the Philistine rulers and all the people. So he killed more people when he died than he had during his entire lifetime. – Judges 16:28-30

I believe that God has positioned you for great things ahead. He is calling you back to His purposes and His plan. If you will keep your eyes on your Creator and lean your ears towards His Spirit, He will place before you opportunities. You will be brought into the conversation, and God will strategically position you so that He can do great things through you. And the world will be a better place because you are a devoted follower of Christ.

Jeroboam reigned over Israel for twenty-two years, and then he died. His son, Nadab, followed him as King of Israel. Rehoboam reigned over Judah for seventeen years. He was buried with his ancestors — David and Solomon — and his son, Abijam, became the next king of Judah. And life went on.

Leadership Without Consistency

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 13; Psalm 76

At the Lord’s command, a man of God from Judah went to Bethel, arriving there just as Jeroboam was approaching the altar to burn incense. Then at the Lord’s command, he shouted, “O altar, altar! This is what the Lord says: A child named Josiah will be born into the dynasty of David. On you he will sacrifice the priests from the pagan shrines who come here to burn incense, and human bones will be burned on you.” That same day the man of God gave a sign to prove his message. He said, “The Lord has promised to give this sign: This altar will split apart, and its ashes will be poured out on the ground.” – 1 Kings 13:1-3

King Jeroboam did not appreciate the words of the man of God, nor did he fear God enough to respect what the prophet had to say. He stretched out his arm, pointed towards the man of God, and commanded he be seized. Instantly his arm froze in place and he could not pull it back. At the same time, the altar cracked and ashes poured out, just as the man of God said it would.

Jeroboam cried out for the prophet to ask God to restore his hand, and he did. God displayed his power, and then He displayed His grace, yet Jeroboam did not turn from his evil ways. His hand was restored but his heart remained self-seeking.

Just like he had done with the Israelites, Jeroboam attempted to shower the man with hospitality in order to win his loyalty. He invited the man of God to come to the palace for a meal and a gift, but the man refused for the Lord had commanded him not to eat or drink anything while he was there. God had given him specific instructions — to go, do what he had been called to do, and then get back home. He was to avoid distractions and temptation.


An old prophet that was living in Bethel heard about Jeroboam’s hand and he rushed to catch up with the man of God. After finding him resting under a tree, he invited him back to his house for a meal. The man of God again denied, for the Lord had specifically commanded him not to eat or drink anything while on this journey. He needed to stay focused on completing the mission in full obedience.

For some unknown reason, the old prophet lied to the man of God next. He told him that an angel had appeared to him, telling him to bring the man of God back to his house for a meal. Something he said must have persuaded the man of God, and he allowed himself to get sidetracked on his journey home. He went to the old prophet’s home and enjoyed a meal.

Then while they were sitting at the table, a command from the Lord came to the old prophet. He cried out to the man of God from Judah, “This is what the Lord says: You have defied the word of the Lord and have disobeyed the command the Lord your God gave you. You came back to this place and ate and drank where he told you not to eat or drink. Because of this, your body will not be buried in the grave of your ancestors.” – 1 Kings 13:20-22


How often has someone used the phrase “the Lord told me” on you? How are you supposed to respond? It is wise to ask the Lord for discernment. If what someone is saying is a direct contradiction to what God has commanded of you in scripture or through a word you have received from Him, it is wise to remain committed to obedience.

On his way home, a lion attacked the man of God and killed him. The old prophet retrieved his body, which the lion had left intact, and buried the man of God, grieving his death.

As I read this bizarre story in 1 Kings 13, I asked God what I am supposed to do with this passage. I found myself questioning how God could allow the audacity of a king who had experienced God’s power firsthand (literally), yet refused to turn from his wicked ways, while responding with a death sentence to the man of God who chose to believe the lie of the old prophet. So out of these three men in the story, the idolator and the liar get to live, and the man of God has to die. What do we do with this?


We are ALL called to obedience — kings, prophets, messengers, and everyone in between. God is calling all of us to the kind of relationship where we respond in submission and love to what God is asking of us. No one gets a pass, and no unrepentant heart will be rewarded for their denial of the lordship of Christ. When we do not see the hand of God responding to the injustices in this world, He is asking us to trust His heart and His timing.

Make vows to the Lord your God, and keep them.
Let everyone bring tribute to the Awesome One.
– Psalm 76:11

Father, help us to be consistent in our walk with you. May our private life match our public ministry so that you are glorified through our lives. Give us discernment to know when you are speaking into our lives through other people and when we need to block out the opinions and thoughts of others. Thank you for being a God who allows us to bring our questions to you, and a God we can trust as we leave our questions at your feet. Amen.