Hiding From the Unfamiliar

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 8-12

God’s people were asking for something that was outside of His plan for them; they wanted a king like the other nations had. He warned them they would someday beg for relief from this king they were requesting, or rather demanding (8:18). But God, being a merciful God, heard the cries of his people and gave them what they were asking for.

Has God ever moved you into a position or situation that seemed beyond what you could handle? A few days ago, we read of how each year Samuel would have to discard the comfortable coat he had finally grown into and replace it with the new bigger coat that his mother had brought him (2:19). Now Samuel is telling another young man that he is about to receive a “bigger coat” (more like a kingly robe) and Saul’s reaction was one of humility and fear.


God is faithful even in the most unfamiliar of situations. But how often do we let the emotions of our new circumstances get the best of us, allowing fear and self-deprecation to set in? Saul did what many of us have a history of doing when God tries to stretch us — he told God He had the wrong person.

“But I’m only from the tribe of Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families of that tribe! Why are you talking like this to me?” – 1 Samuel 9:21

God equipped Saul for what He was calling him to do because that is who our God is — He equips the called. Scripture says Saul was “changed into a different person.” Samuel encouraged Saul to do the thing God was calling Saul to do, for God would be with him. God gave Saul a new heart to go with his new “coat” and everything happened just as God had promised.

Doesn’t that sound just like the wonderful God we serve? He prepares us for what is ahead, equipping us with all that we need to step obediently into the position to which He calls us. He changes us, giving us a new heart and the wisdom we need to accept the calling He has placed on our lives.


As I drink my morning coffee, I know how God is stretching me right now. What is God calling you to that seems beyond what you are capable of? Are you nervous or scared or intimidated by God’s plan? So was Saul. When they went to crown Saul as their king, they found him hiding among the baggage (10:22).

Are you hiding?
Are you using the “baggage” in your life as an excuse to avoid what God is calling you to?
Are you open to allowing God to give you a new heart to go with your new “coat”?

Friend, please know that you are not alone — God is with you. Scripture says that when the first challenge arose for the young king, “the Spirit of God came powerfully upon Saul, and he became very angry” (11:7). Just one month after being placed in the position of king and here Saul is finding his way and stepping into the leadership for which God was equipping him — just like HE WILL EQUIP YOU.


So let me do what Samuel did in his farewell speech to God’s people. Let me remind you of all the great things the Lord has done for you and for your family (12:7). Look back and see how faithful God has been time and time again. Consider Samuel’s words of reassurance to the Israelites:

“Don’t be afraid. You have certainly done wrong, but make sure now that you worship the Lord with all your heart, and don’t turn your back on him.” – 1 Samuel 12:20

God understands that you are feeling unworthy of His call. He knows you are uncomfortable. He also knows you have not lived a perfect life, that you are hiding behind the baggage of your past. He knows when you want things back to the way they used to be. But what God is asking is that you worship Him with ALL your heart. Don’t hold back or turn away from what He is asking you to do, but worship God by accepting His plan.

Step out from behind the baggage.
Shed the coat of your insecurities.
Allow God to clothe you with His purpose.

“And I will continue to teach you what is good and right. But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve him. Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you.” – 1 Samuel 12:23b-24