Thirty Sayings

Today’s Reading: Proverbs 22-24

Listen to the words of the wise;
apply your heart to my instruction.
For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart
and always ready on your lips.
I am teaching you today—yes, you—
so you will trust in the Lord.
I have written THIRTY SAYINGS for you,
filled with advice and knowledge.
– Proverbs 22:16-20

The book of Proverbs lists thirty sayings to help us live life wisely and in a way that glorifies God. Grouping them into general categories, we can see them reflected in the words of Jesus.

BE WISE IN HOW YOU TREAT THE POOR. Do not take advantage of their financial needs for your own gain. It matters to God how we treat them. Do not cheat your neighbors. Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death, and do not pretend you didn’t know about their injustice.

Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” — Matthew 19:21

BE WISE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. Choose friends that are a good influence on you, avoiding those whose habits would be unhealthy for you to pick up. If you choose to be around those who are angry all the time, you may find yourself becoming an angry person. Don’t waste your breath on fools who despise your wisdom. Don’t cheat your neighbors. Be wise in your parenting and do not fail to discipline your children. Continue to listen to your father and respect your mother. Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall; don’t be happy when they stumble (24:17).

“Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.” — Matthew 19:19

BE WISE WITH YOUR MONEY. Do not make a financial commitment that is beyond your means, even if you are trying to do something nice for someone else. Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit (23:4). Wealth can disappear in the blink of an eye.

“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.” — Matthew 6:24

BE WISE IN YOUR EMPLOYMENT. Those who show themselves to be competent and produce quality work will get bigger and better opportunities.

“A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. I tell you the truth, the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns.” — Matthew 24:45-47

BE WISE REGARDING THE PLEASURES OF THIS WORLD. Do not get so caught up in the cravings of this gluttonous world that you fall into its trap. Do not desire the delicacies of this world more than you desire what God has for you. And don’t desire what the stingy do not want you to give you. Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord (23:17). Do not hang around with those who love to get drunk, or feast with those who eat excessively. Avoid the lure of sexual sin. Don’t envy evil people, or those whose words are always trying to stir up trouble.

The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. — Luke 8:14

BE WISE. Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully to words of knowledge (23:12). Speak what is right. Take time to listen, and keep your heart on the right course. Get wisdom, discipline, and good judgment, and pass on your wisdom to your children. Build your home with wisdom. Don’t step into conflict without first seeking wisdom and guidance from godly advisors. Your future will be bright if you crave wisdom like the sweet taste of honey. Fear the Lord.

“But wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of those who follow it.” — Luke 7:35

Father God, give us a heart that craves your wisdom. May we be drawn towards you, instead of craving all this world tries to sell us. May you be glorified in our relationships with others and in our growing relationship with you. Thank you for all we have learned as we have studied the book of Proverbs. May your words come to our mind when we need it most. We love you, God. Amen.

O my son, give me your heart.
May your eyes take delight in following my ways.
— Proverbs 23:26