A Special Privilege

Today’s Reading: Numbers 18-19

I am giving you the priesthood as your special privilege of service. — Numbers 18:7b

It is a privilege to be called into full-time ministry; it is an honor to receive instructions from the Lord to give your life in service to the church. Some easily say yes to God’s calling, and some struggle to answer the call with a willing and obedient heart. You see, although it is a privilege to serve within the church, and that privilege comes with many blessings, it is also a great responsibility. There is a need for wisdom and discernment, and pastors are often asked by God to sacrifice a great deal in order to follow the calling He has placed on their lives.

I myself have chosen your fellow Levites from among the Israelites to be your special assistants. They are a gift to you, dedicated to the Lord for service in the Tabernacle. — Numbers 18:6


There were those God had called into priesthood and those God called to assist in the ministry of the church. It is also a privilege to assist those who have a calling on their life. It is a beautiful thing when teams of individuals within the church partner for the sake of accomplishing all God wants to do through the church. Hours are given every week by people who are willing to do whatever, whenever, to support their pastors in the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

The Lord gave these further instructions to Aaron: “I myself have put you in charge of all the holy offerings that are brought to me by the people of Israel. — Numbers 18:8a

The Lord also told Moses, “Give these instructions to the Levites: When you receive from the people of Israel the tithes I have assigned as your allotment, give a tenth of the tithes you receive—a tithe of the tithe—to the Lord as a sacred offering. The Lord will consider this offering to be your harvest offering, as though it were the first grain from your own threshing floor or wine from your own winepress. You must present one-tenth of the tithe received from the Israelites as a sacred offering to the Lord. This is the Lord’s sacred portion, and you must present it to Aaron the priest. Be sure to give to the Lord the best portions of the gifts given to you. — Numbers 18:25-29


Every year, leaders within the church gather to write their annual budget. Most people take this responsibility very seriously. They understand the sacrifice so many people in the church have made to give their tithes, and they understand that this money is a sacred gift to God. We pray for God to give the leaders in our church wisdom to use each dollar given as a way to draw all of us closer to God — for the sake of both discipleship and evangelism.

But be careful not to treat the holy gifts of the people of Israel as though they were common. If you do, you will die.” — Numbers 18:32b

“Yes, I am giving you all these holy offerings that the people of Israel bring to the Lord. They are for you and your sons and daughters, to be eaten as your permanent share. This is an eternal and unbreakable covenant between the Lord and you, and it also applies to your descendants.” — Number 18:19

Then the Lord said to Aaron: “You, your sons, and your relatives from the tribe of Levi will be held responsible for any offenses related to the sanctuary. But you and your sons alone will be held responsible for violations connected with the priesthood. — Numbers 18:1

Only the Levites may serve at the Tabernacle, and they will be held responsible for any offenses against it. — Numbers 18:23a

​​And the Lord said to Aaron, “You priests will receive no allotment of land or share of property among the people of Israel. I am your share and your allotment. As for the tribe of Levi, your relatives, I will compensate them for their service in the Tabernacle. Instead of an allotment of land, I will give them the tithes from the entire land of Israel. — Numbers 18:20-21


This last summer, my husband and I moved into our 12th home in our 30 years of marriage. Each time God calls Scott to a new place of ministry, we have an adjustment to make. It takes time for my heart to catch up with my head, and sometimes for my head to catch up with my heart. This last spring, when God’s call moved us 300 miles southwest, I heard God remind me to always “stay light on my feet” — to never become so rooted where I am that I am no longer rooted in Him. In that moment, I renewed my commitment to the calling, no matter the weight of responsibility or the pain of sacrifice.

Father God, we pray this morning for our church leaders — for wisdom, strength, and courage. We pray for your blessings upon our pastors and their families. Show us what you are calling us to do to support their ministry and to come alongside them to accomplish great things for your glory and for eternity. May we never pressure or make our pastors feel guilty for following your call, even if it means we must end a chapter under their leadership. Help us never to hang on so tightly to the things of this world that we are not willing to go wherever you ask us to go or do whatever you ask us to do. We humbly submit to your will, your way, in your time. Please take this gesture of faith and increase it for the sake of all you are asking us to do. Amen.