Today’s Reading: Genesis 4-5, Psalm 37
“With the Lord’s help, I have produced a man.” – Genesis 4:1b
Eve gave birth to a son and her response was to recognize the wonderful gift God had given her — the blessing to have another life growing inside of her. When given the opportunity to give a gift to the Lord, that son did not respond with the same heart of gratitude as his mother. He chose not to give his best to the Lord. His younger brother, Abel, gave the best he had to offer and God was pleased with his gift, while Cain sulked in anger at God’s less enthusiastic response to his half-hearted effort.
“Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” – Genesis 4:6-7
Often we make the choice of giving God less than He deserves from us. When things do not go as we want them to go, we get angry with God and wonder why He is not meeting our need to be recognized or fulfilled. We live as though God exists to reward our small contribution or to rain down His blessings on us instead of living life for the purpose of glorifying God every day.
God warned Cain that his anger was inviting sin to come and control him. He commanded Cain to subdue the sinful anger and stay in control, but Cain chose to wrap himself in self-pity. In response to his jealousy of Abel’s choice to do what was right, Cain did what was wrong — he killed his brother.
Afterward the Lord asked Cain, “Where is your brother?”
“I don’t know,” Cain responded. “Am I my brother’s guardian?” – Genesis 4:9
Cain was given the choice to willingly do what is right or to refuse to do the right thing. He chose the latter and God punished him for his sins. When confronted with his sin, Cain could have humbly chosen confession and repentance; instead, he chose indifference. His brother was dead and he showed no remorse. Sin began to control Cain and God punished him for his selfish behavior. Not only did Cain have to leave his home and his family, he had to leave God’s presence.
Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper – it only leads to harm. For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. – Psalm 37:8-9
It is so easy to let anger rise up inside of us, sometimes out of jealousy and sometimes due to an injustice in our life. At times we have every right to be angry, but there are also times when our anger is unjustified. Taking our focus off of God allows the enemy to come in and distract us with thoughts of self-pity and vengeance. God is saying to keep your eyes on Him, to commit everything in your life into His capable hands, and to trust Him for what comes next.
As I read through the 37th Psalm, I found so much great advice on how to respond when things have not gone our way, or when there are people in our life who are hurting us. If there is a situation or person in your life that is causing anger, I invite you to soak in the promises of Psalm 37.
Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.
For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon wither.
Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act… — Psalm 37:1-7a
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. — Psalm 37:24
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along his path.
He will honor you by giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed.
I have seen wicked and ruthless people flourishing like a tree in its native soil.
But when I looked again, they were gone! Though I searched for them, I could not find them!
Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace.
But the rebellious will be destroyed; they have no future.
The Lord rescues the godly; he is their fortress in times of trouble.
The Lord helps them, rescuing them from the wicked.
He saves them, and they find shelter in him. — Psalm 37:34-40
Father God, thank you for the grace that allows me to spend time in your presence this morning. With a humble heart, I confess to you the moments when I have allowed jealousy and self-pity to creep into my thoughts, like old friends willing to help me justify my poor attitude. Thank you for the reminder to live a life that focuses on pleasing you instead of pleasing myself. Give me a heart of generosity towards you and towards those you would like to minister to through my life. Heal the places of my heart that have been wounded by the words and actions of others. I place it all in your hands and choose to trust you. My hope is in you, Lord. Amen.