Today’s Reading: Genesis 3-4, Psalm 33
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. — 1 Corinthians 10:13
When the serpent approached Eve in the garden of Eden, he started by asking her, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” (Genesis 3:1) He was doing what he still does to us today; he was planting seeds of doubt. In the next few moments, he convinced the woman that she would not die if she ate from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. He planted in her heart the desire to be like God — to make her own decision, to be enlightened, to do whatever she wants.
This same arrogance is prevalent in our society today. American culture is screaming to do what you want to do. They say hell is a lie — that there is no such place where God punishes sin. Some even go as far as to make us believe that when we end this life we simply start over again. It didn’t take long for the serpent to convince Eve, and sadly it does not take long for us to believe these lies either. The world is giving us permission to walk away from all the truth found in the bible, but it is a lie that this departure from God’s way will bring joy. What happened in the garden is a perfect example.
When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their eyes were indeed opened just like the serpent said they would be. But instead of it making them stronger, wiser and greater, it immediately brought shame. New emotions poured in and they were shook by the unfamiliarity of their feelings.
When Eve chose to see the things that were off limits as beautiful, her heart was drawn towards sin instead of focused on God. With this disobedience came shame. Adam and Eve immediately looked at their nakedness and felt exposed. When they heard God walking in the garden, they hid from Him because they were afraid.
Adam and Eve went from peacefully enjoying the fellowship of their Creator in the most beautiful place ever created to fearfully hiding from the consequences of their decisions. Their relationship was now broken and the regret of their action was weighing heavy on them. These new emotions caused them to look for escape. The woman blamed the serpent and the man blamed the woman, and now their relationship was broken as well.
The Lord looks down from heaven
and sees the whole human race.
From his throne he observes
all who live on the earth.
He made their hearts,
so he understands everything they do. — Psalm 33:13-15
When I consider these verses in Psalm 33, my heart overflows with gratitude that our God understands why we do what we do, even when we are struggling to wrap our own mind around it. I think all of us know what it feels like to regret our actions, or to grieve the words we have spoken in a heated moment. Our heart aches at the thought of disappointing God. What must he think when I self-promote or disobey? But when I consider his response to Adam and Eve in this next verse, I get a glimpse of the heart of our Creator.
And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife. — Genesis 3:21
And here we see the beautiful grace of our God — that He would lovingly provide for us even after we have messed up. Adam and Eve had to leave the garden, but God gave them a new place to live. They had to work the ground in order to grow their food, but He gave them the strength and knowledge to do so. Eve experienced pain in childbirth, but He also blessed her with endorphins that brought her joy as she held her newborn baby. God gave her body the amazing ability to grow and nourish a new life, and Eve recognized God’s mercy and His provision.
“With the Lord’s help, I have produced a man.” – Genesis 4:1b
Eve gave birth to a son and her response was to recognize the wonderful gift God had given her — the blessing to have another life growing inside of her. In the same way, let’s take some time this morning to thank God for the many ways He has blessed us, even though we don’t deserve it. Let’s take all of our lingering guilt, regret, shame and sorrow and place it at his feet, allowing Him to take the broken pieces of our life and make something beautiful out of it. When the enemy causes us to doubt, we will ask God for the gift of more faith. May 2022 be a year of standing strong against temptation as we make ourselves available to experience all that God has for us.