A New Journey

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
— Psalm 5:3

I started blogging my journey through the Bible in April of 2010. Two years later, I created an online opportunity for others to join me in the study of God’s word. For the first several years, I took twelve months to soak in God’s promises from Genesis to Revelation. Eventually that process lengthened to 16 months, and I now feel God challenging me to an even longer journey. My current plan is to study the Old Testament for the next eleven months, weaving in the truths of the New Testament. In December of 2022, I will begin an in-depth study of the New Testament. Overall, I am hoping to take a full two years to study the Bible from front to back. I will again be using my chronological Bible in order to follow God’s story through time.

There may be several days in a row when we read the same passage as we read before. This saturation of the scriptures will help us to linger in God’s words, allowing God the time to give us new insight. It is often the third or fourth time reading through a passage of scripture when God gives me a new word. We tend to live life in a hurry. We set goals and rush through our completion of each task. We treat our time in God’s words like it is one more thing to check off our list. But sometimes God calls us to stay, to soak, to saturate, to listen.

If you are interested in starting a new journey through the Bible, I invite you to join me. Each day I would love to hear your thoughts on the passage of scripture we are studying. Perhaps the Lord will bring a verse to your mind, or an experience in life that has increased your understanding of who God is and how He is actively involved in our lives. Come and join the My Morning Coffee Facebook page, and be a part of the conversation. Let’s fill the comments each day with God’s truths, as well as ways in which we can pray for each other. Let’s build a community of those of us who are hungry to study God’s word. https://www.facebook.com/mymorningcoffeedevo

Father God, as we start a new year, it is our desire to keep our focus on you. We open up our hearts and minds, asking you to give us wisdom and insight into who you are and who you have created us to be. We long to hear from you as we soak in the power of your words. We invite you to empty us of our own thoughts and desires in order to fill us with the desires of your heart. May our study of the Scriptures bring glory to you, and may we be forever changed. Amen.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. — Hebrews 4:12

How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
I gain understanding from your precepts;
therefore I hate every wrong path.
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path.
— Psalm 119:103-105