Today’s Reading: Nehemiah 10-13
Nehemiah, now the governor of Judah, led the rest of the people in an oath to God. They had separated themselves from the pagan influences in their lives and their desire was to obey the law God had given Moses. They promised to carefully follow all of the commands, regulations and decrees of God — the one whom they were intentionally recognizing as their Lord. They made these promises:
– Not to let their children marry pagan spouses
– To honor the Sabbath
– To pay a Temple tax in order to reestablish the work of the church
– To create an active schedule for the priests
– To bring the first part of every harvest to the Lord (tithe)
– To never again neglect the Temple of their God
They were ready for a new season in their life. They were ready to cast out the old ways of neglecting the church and ignoring God, and instead actively serve God and make the Temple the center of their culture or way of life. The leaders of Judah would live in Jerusalem and a tenth of the people would be chosen by sacred lots to establish their home within the walls of the city, while the rest of the people would establish their homes outside of the walls.
Nehemiah called for a dedication of the completed wall around Jerusalem. The ceremony included singers and instruments, while the leaders stood on top of the wall and gave thanks by forming two large choirs. There were cymbals, harps, lyres and trumpets being played as one choir headed south along the wall and the other headed north. Led by Ezra, they walked around the city and then met together at the Temple, playing and singing loudly.
Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebration, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away. – Nehemiah 12:43
God’s people were reestablishing a new life in Jerusalem that centered around the life of the church. They brought their tithes and took joy in the work of the priests and Levites. They brought back the custom of having choir directors to lead the choirs in hymns of praise and thanksgiving, just as they had done long ago. The book of Moses was read and those who were enemies of God were sent away.
God’s people were in a good place. They were worshipping Him and passionate about the work of the church. But, as we have seen over and over again throughout the Old Testament, the celebration did not last long and the fickle hearts of the Israelites were once again distracted.
Nehemiah returned to the king of Babylon for a time and then made his way back to Jerusalem. When he arrived, he found that the people had carelessly allowed sin back into the church, and many of the Levites had returned to their work in the fields instead of working for the church. The people were working on the Sabbath and some had began to marry foreign wives again.
“Wasn’t this exactly what led King Solomon of Israel into sin?” I demanded. “There was no king from any nation who could compare to him, and God loved him and made him king over all Israel. But even he was led into sin by his foreign wives. How could you even think of committing this sinful deed and acting unfaithfully toward God by marrying foreign women?” – Nehemiah 13:26-27
This passage is a good reminder to us of how we grieve the heart of God when we make promises to follow and obey Him only to go back to our past behaviors or sinful habits. It is good for us to go through a time of repentance and celebration of our salvation, but we must stay in that place. We must remain faithful to the God who asked us not to do some things and then commanded us to do other things.
May we remain genuine in our desire to serve God and consistent in living out our walk with Him. Make we remain in a place of celebration and joy. Lord, give us a love for your church and a passion for the work of the church so that you can be glorified through our worship of you and through the living out of our faith. Help us to follow you with a growing passion and loyal obedience.