Today’s Reading: Exodus 17:8 – 18:27, Psalm 145
I am the Lord your God. I will use your story to help others believe that I am God.
Moses told his father-in-law everything the Lord had done to Pharoah and Egypt on behalf of Israel. He also told about all the hardships they had experienced along the way and how the Lord had rescued his people from all their troubles. Jethro was delighted when he heard about all the good things the Lord had done for Israel… “Praise the Lord,” Jethro said, “…I know now that the Lord is greater than all other gods, because he rescued his people from the oppression of the proud Egyptians.” – Exodus 17:8-11
How wonderful it is when God uses the story of our lives to help others find faith in Him. When Moses fled from Egypt as a young man, he rested near a well in Midian. The seven daughters of the Midianite priest, Jethro, came to the well to draw water for their flocks but shepherds chased them away. Moses came to their rescue, defending them against the shepherds and then drawing water for their flocks. When Jethro heard of the kindness of this young Egyptian, he invited him to dinner and then to stay with them. He eventually gave Moses his daughter in marriage, and together they had two sons.
The Midianites were descendants of Midian, Abraham’s son. After Sarah died, Abraham remarried and his new wife gave birth to several sons. The Midianites were descendants of Abraham, but their religion had evolved over the years to include the worship of other gods rather than worshipping only the one true God. So for this Midianite priest, Jethro, to recognize that the Lord God is greater than all other gods was a significant moment.
This encounter with Jethro in Exodus 17 came 40 years after Moses left to help the Israelites escape slavery in Egypt. Before his encounter with Pharoah, Moses had been a shepherd for his father-in-law for years. Jethro and Moses had been family now for a long time. I imagine this was a powerful moment for Moses when Jethro acknowledged the supremacy of the God of Israel. God had used Moses in the life of Jethro and now He was going to once again use Jethro in the life of Moses.
Leading the large nation of Israel came with a lot of pressure and responsibility. Each day Moses would listen to a line of people coming with their disputes to settle and their problems to solve. From morning to evening, Moses would deal with all that the people brought to him. Moses had taught Jethro about God and now Jethro taught Moses about delegation. Jethro’s leadership advice equipped Moses with a system for governing this large nation.
My daughter persistently invited her friend, Nicole, to come to church when they were in junior high. She began to attend regularly and gave her life to Jesus. She became very involved in the youth group and soon felt a call into youth ministry. Not only did Brooke do something wonderful for Nicole when she invited her to church, Nicole has become an amazing friend for Brooke throughout their high school years. This fall they both plan to attend Olivet Nazarene University to study for full-time ministry.
I love it when God’s plan has a boomerang effect. When we respond in obedience, He blesses us with the results of our obedience. Thank you, Jehovah, for giving us opportunities to share our faith journey with others. Thank you for the many friendships that are formed as those we love come to acknowledge you as their Savior and Lord. Help us to see the potential of those around us and be persistent in our efforts to lead them to you. Use the story of your great power displayed in our lives. Bring those who do not believe to a saving knowledge of who YOU are as they see your light reflected in us. Amen.
Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue;
I will proclaim your greatness.
Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
they will sing with joy about your righteousness.
The Lord is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. – Psalm 145:6-8