Today’s Reading: Genesis 1 and Psalm 104
I think that beginnings are my favorite. I love the first chapter of a new book, the first page of an empty journal and the first hour of every day. I love newborn babies, sunrises on the beach and the first sip of a hot cup of coffee. And out of all the days of the year, January 1st is one of my favorites.
As much as the last day of the year is a day of looking back in celebration, the first day of the year is a great opportunity to look forward to what is ahead. It is a new page of a new chapter, the opportunity to write a new story in our walk with God. So let’s begin a new journey through God’s story starting in Genesis.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. – Genesis 1:1-2
A few days ago, our family climbed aboard a boat before sunrise and ventured out into the Pacific Ocean in hopes of seeing humpback whales. The sky was dark and the ocean was peaceful. I was reminded of the beauty of creation and the power of our Creator. God was present. As the sun began to peek over the mountain and cast its glow across the water, I thanked God for His presence in this world and the evidence of His hand at work in all I could see and hear.
I am reminded of that early morning boat ride as I read the first chapter of Genesis. I try to imagine what it was like when darkness covered the deep waters. I consider the relationship of the Trinity as the Spirit hovered over the surface of the water, God spoke the world into existence, and the Word gave life to everything that was created. The harmony of Creation is a beautiful thing to consider.
The world was created through the act of separation. God separated the light from the darkness, which created what we know as day and night. He separated the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth, creating the sky. When God separated the waters of the earth, He created land and sea; when He separated the lights in the sky, He created a cadence of days, seasons and years. He created the animals giving some the sea to swim, others the land to roam and others He gave the sky as their playground. God created by separating.
God is daily creating us to be who He wants us to be, yet we also daily experience a separation that sin in this world causes between creation and its Creator. I find peace in imagining God’s Spirit hovering over creation just as I find peace in the knowledge that He is present in my life, hovering over and around me each day. Each day is a mixture of feeling the separation that exists until Jesus comes again, while also feeling the closeness of His involvement in my life. Separate, yet together. Distant, yet close.
Father God, thank you for sending your Spirit to be with us. I praise you for the beauty of your creation. I trust that this time of separation from you has purpose; I pray you will continue to mold me and shape me for your perfect plan. Lord, I pray that you will be glorified in my life in 2019. I pray that you will be pleased with my life and that you will be present each morning as I soak in your scriptures.
May the glory of the Lord continue forever! The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made! The earth trembles at his glance; the mountains smoke at his touch. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath! May all my thoughts be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the Lord…Let all that I am praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! – Psalm 104:31-35