Wait Patiently

Today’s Reading: Genesis 12:10 – 14, Psalm 27

God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield to all who look to him for protection. – Psalm 18:30

We start today where we ended yesterday – with the reminder that we can trust God. His way is perfect and His promises are true. Unfortunately, Abram had a big lesson to learn on what it means to truly trust God for protection.

There was a severe famine, forcing Abram to go to Egypt to find food. Now Sarai was very beautiful and Abram feared the Egyptians would kill him in order to keep her. Instead of relying on God to fulfill His promise, Abram took matters into his own hands and deceived the Egyptians by telling them Sarai was his sister – which was true (20:12), but he failed to mention she was also his wife. God had promised to protect Abram, but Abram felt the need to protect himself through deception.

Sarai’s beauty was undeniable and she was taken to Pharoah to be his wife. Terrible plagues came upon Pharoah and his household because of Sarai’s presence. Pharoah gave her back to Abram and commanded him to leave Egypt – the place they had fled to in order to survive the famine. God could have used Egypt to provide for their needs, but Abram failed to trust in Him for protection so they were back on the road.

Abram left Egypt and traveled to the region between Bethel and Ai. Their group was quite large so Abram offered to split the land with Lot, giving Lot the first choice of which land he wanted. Now all the land to the east of them in the Jordan Valley was fertile and well watered, obviously the best choice of land. Perhaps Abram had learned something from his journey through Egypt. He knows that it is not the land itself that will provide but that God will bless him regardless of which piece of land he gets. After Lot chose the better half, the Lord confirmed his promise to Abram a third time:

“Look as far as you can see in EVERY direction – north and south, east and west. I am giving all this land, as far as you can see, to you and your descendants as a permanent possession. And I will give you so many descendants that, like the dust of the earth, they cannot be counted! Go and walk through the land in every direction, for I am giving it to you.” – Genesis 13:14-17

There was a battle between the kings in the surrounding nations and Lot was captured in the battle. Abram rescued Lot, as well as many others caught in the conflict. The king of Sodom was so grateful that he wanted to give all the goods captured to Abram as a gift. Just as Abram now knew that God was the source of his protection, he also knew God was the source of his blessings. He refused the gifts and kept his eyes on God – his Protector and his Provider.

Father God, we thank you for being our source of provision and protection. We ask that you show us this morning if there are areas of our lives in which we are taking things into our own hands, trusting in our own abilities instead of relying on you. May we learn how to wait patiently for you. Amen.

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. – Psalm 27:14